Tuesday, June 3, 2008

SVN and Maven

I have checked in most of my code into the Sourceforge SVN, and I just got the note that we should be using the package gov.cdc.ncphi..... and not org.cdc...

I guess I get to learn about subversion directory changes next :).

Otherwise, I have hit a challenge on the maven-ifcation of the code. Maven prefers jar files stored in remote repositories somewhere. All the OGSA-DAI and Globus code is set up with a series of build files (especially globus considering it has a lot of C++ code in addition to Java code) but there is no maven repository. I experimented with moving jar files into a resource location, but I think I am just going to have to store the jar files in the local repository with the appropriate maven metadata. I am not sure of the best way to do that, whether there is some sort of tool, or whether I should try and get maven building the OGSA-DAI code.

I guess what I am looking for now is a resource for taking projects that already exist and getting it to a point where maven is now managing it, because a lot of the stuff that was handled by changing the classpath before now is going to be handled by formatting the myriad dependencies into an xml file.

I feel like in the end we will have the local repository and we will be able to publish it to our own repository so that other development groups can reference our files with the appropriate sets of Ogsa-Dai libraries and globus libraries.

I also need to start researching how to implement a globus WS extension and looking into the best ways to get data back and forth between RODS and Ogsa-Dai.


Pema Rigdzin said...

Peter, do you want to have admin access to my Maven repository? Then you can add libraries to it that are public accessible.

Pema Rigdzin said...

Peter, do you want to have admin access to my Maven repository? Then you can add libraries to it that are public accessible.