Monday, June 2, 2008

Also working with Maven

Having just read the post below mine, I see that Anurag and I are on the same track.

I have created a "ncphi-examples" project to store all the little scripts and pages I have created already, and I now have moved in one of the peices of my modified OGSA-DAI code and already have it throwing compilation errors. I will probably fire off a quick email to Anurag about how best to import the OGSA-DAI code... at this point I am leaning towards just including it in the source tree, so that it will compile it locally and bundle it all into one big OGSA-DAI jar along with NCPHI-Specific modifications. By the end I imagine this particular Maven project will have the OGSA-DAI code, references to the jar repositories needed for builds provided by the maven site, and all the web code too.

As I play with Maven more and more, I find it perfect for just forcing you to have a sensible, realistic build structure. It will make you put your code in one place, your resources in another place, and show you the beauty of unit tests. In the end you get the deployable Jars and Wars that just make life that much easier... and I get the impression that your work will just be that much more legitimate when you go "oh, just install this maven tool, sync to the SVN, and then run 'mvn package' and you should be able to verify the compilation."

If anything this initial build will be a wonderful starting package for any future major NCPHI Globus OGSA-DAI code collaborations, and that is fortuitous considering I am also looking into defining the interface between RODS and OGSA-DAI for a outbreak detection solution that would use remote database access. Some of the interesting use of the extensible functionality that I can think of adding include the ability to deploy OGSA-DAI resources on the fly after filling out a simple form.

Otherwise, my vacation was lovely and personally productive, and it seems that a lot of documentation was completed after memorial day, but this gives me new solid directions and a lot of excitement.

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