Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More successful testing of secure grid services!

Ron Price, with the University of Utah CoE, sent over a new demo project this morning to test out the secure invocation of his grid services.

Utah is using cagrid's gridgrouper to manage security configuration (phirg uses manual maintenance of certs at each node), so I created a userid with cagrid ( and Ron added my cagrid user the PH Grid group.

Ron made it pretty easy to test by providing an Eclipse project export and the required certificates to authenticate with cagrid's Dorian services.

I copied the certificates to the ~.globus folder on my workstation, specified my cagrid provided userid and password, and ran the service from inside Eclipse. Pretty straightforward

When I tried with an invalid password I get an exception thrown back from Dorian (gov.nih.nci.cagrid.authentication.stubs.types.InvalidCredentialFault).

So we tested securely invoking a Utah phGrid service over SSL using the cagrid authentication management from the NCPHI Research Lab grid.

Next steps will be to test out invoking the service using phirg specific credentials.

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