Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New person / NLP Service Wrapper

Hello, I'm Brian Alexander Lee and I'm starting to work with the public health research grid team to help out on some of the proof of concept projects. I'm an enterprise architect and my background is in web services and software development, so I hope that I'll be of use to the projects.

To work with the Centers of Excellence, we had a call with Albert Lai of Columbia University on how to provide an interface to the Columbia Natural Language Processor (I think is called Medley).

We talked about some of the best ways to provide a wrapper to the existing NLP components and right now the thinking is to provide a web service wrapper through Globus that accepts medical free text (in either body text or files) that can invoke the NLP and respond with structured data in xml format. We'll post more as we start testing and designing more.

Also, Albert shared the URLs for two potential web service frameworks that we might be able to use in the test:

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