Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dr. Jeremy Espino and the wonderful RODS project

I had a rather long and very informative desktop-share and teleconference with Dr. Jeremy Espino going over RODS (Realtime Outbreak Detection System) and how it can be incorporated into POCs for the PHIN conference in September.

Furthermore, he created an SVN repository for grid-related code (whether it be related to RODS, Globus, OGSA-DAI, &c), showed me the wonders of Maven, let me see the prettiness that is IntelliJ IDEA, and generally got me really familiar with how RODS works and what peices he wants me to focus on.

The SVN repository is grand, because it gives me a place to put some of the code I have been working on... and more importantly will force me to clean it up to the point where I am not scared to have other people looking at it.

As for the POC and RODS... RODS has UI functionality with the ability to basically take counts associated with locational data and actually get it plotted to various geolocational displays (think Google Maps). Thus, it would be the perfect UI for any sort of grid monitoring system, and if we can make data plugins that pull from OGSA-DAI resources instead of the normal RODS database (which is populated over time by a listener that parses HL7 hospital data)... Needless to say I have had an explosion of ideas for how to orient grid nodes and how RODS code can be used. I look forward to discussing them.

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