Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Quicksilver Code Complete

The deploy of Quicksilver to training has been complete. I have verified that the other applications are still working, and tested quicksilver on IE, Firefox, and Safari.

It can be reached here

The passwords have been changed to be more complex. Please contact Brian Lee at for your new password or login if you haven't gotten it.

Quicksilver now uses encoded gmap polygons. This reduces the size of the page sent back to the browser and greatly improves the performance. Internet Explorer no longer throws the "this script is taking a very long time" errors, and the polygons get more complex as you zoom in and less complex as you zoom out. They were encoded using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm described on this site.

The other improvements are tinkerings with the submit button (thus, it becomes disabled and says "loading..." when clicked) positioning improvements and a link to the Wiki help page.

This should be the Code Complete version of Quicksilver that will be deployed to the CDC SDN, and it has been labeled as version 1.0 and branched. New Features and behavior changes will be done to the 1.x branch and deployed to training, while bug fixes will be done to both the 1.x branch and the 1.0 branch and deployed to training and (if allowed) CDC SDN.

Thanks for your patience, I am very excited about Quicksilver and I think it has grown by leaps and bounds in functionality and niftiness from it's poicondai roots.

Otherwise, it looks like the next steps for me are to turn the service end of Quicksilver into an AMDS secure service, and to modify the visual end of Quicksilver (Gmap-polygon) to be flexible enough to combine and display data from multiple AMDS sources.

More immediately, I am going to merge some of the improvements I made for Quicksilver into the gmap-poly-web example project, and work with Felicia to learn the rudiments of a secure AMDS service and to work on making secure service clients coexist happily on the same server.

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