Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bug smacking.

Continued smacking some bugs I was finding during my development tests... the more memorable one being crashing upon empty zip3 data sets.

I also started getting ready for zip5 collection, and continued discussions about the best way to get state or zip-code limited geocentric data back from the NPDS Service.

I have also started talking with Geographic Information Specialist named Julie from the Maryland Poison Center, and learned that some CDC NCPHI residents are also going to be around to learn more about Globus and the applications we are researching and piloting.

Otherwise, I am also running over, in the back of my mind, the upgrades of Quicksilver and NPDS-Gmaps. After Zip5s and User Interface controls are added, I feel like the next step is some subtle re-architecture of the apps so that they can deal with things like Clean error propagation and better value checking for security needs. It will also tie in nicely with implementation of the new statistical and charting methods so that the information returned by Poicondai can be highlighted with the benefit of actual statistical analysis and not just "hey, look, a graph."

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