Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Helping Dan debug Windows Container bugs

I've been helping Dan with some of the Windows bugs since I'm using a windows container to redevelop the AMDS services for the beta release.

I came across this bug when I tried globus-start-container.bat:

Failed to start container: Container failed to initialize [Caused by: Secure con
tainer requires valid credentials]

I thought I could fix this by running grid-proxy-init.bat prior to starting the container. This let Globus start up without error, but whenever I tried running a secure service I got an exception like this:

Error: ; nested exception is:
org.globus.common.ChainedIOException: Authentication failed [Caused by:
Operation unauthorized (Mechanism level: Authorization failed. Expected "/CN=hos
t/somehostname.cdc.gov" target but received "/O=PHGRID/OU=phgrid.net/OU=Globus Public
Health NCPHI/OU=phgrid.net/CN=someuser/CN=someuser")]

To fix this, you need to start up globus and with the "-containerDesc" parameter specifying a valid security_descriptor.xml (like the one found in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus_wsrf_core) that specifies the location of the container cert and the container key. So your command would look something like "globus-start-container.bat =containerDesc c:\foo\security_descriptor.xml"

PS- For anyone trying to use the AMDS alpha, for the sake of debugging please wait for the Beta release on 5/31. The 5/31 release will re-write and fix a lot of what may be annoying anyone trying to use the current gar.

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